Powered Playground

Project Details

In a Master’s level course called “Physical Interaction Design” I was tasked with creating a hi-fi prototype of a tool that combines the act of playing with generating electricity. The target group was municipalities that could create installations based on our designs to allow for children to generate electricity while playing to raise awareness of different ways that we can make our society more environmentally friendly. Together with a small team, I created The Powered Playground, a miniature-model of a playground where the installations would generate electricity when used. Installations included a pond where children could jump on lily pads, spin the wings of a windmill and jump on a see-saw. Apart from just generating electricity, the installations would also generate some kind of output when used. This included sounds, lights and wind blowing on the people who interacted with certain installations. My focus and responsibility in the project was ideation and creation of the physical components. The product included Arduino and was programmed using Processing.